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Cara penyampaian berita dengan benar dalam bahasa inggris

Greeting People! Welcome back to My Blog :D IrfanSyahP.. so please watching.. :)

First Example.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Morning viewers...
Today, On Wednesday 14 March 2014
Happy gathering with us in “Broadcasting News Program of IrfanSyahPutra TV” which will provide you the real news which is taken factually from the field, either from national or international. I am Muh. Adkha Hidayatullah, will accompany you for five minutes later with many kinds of information. Well, let’s begin the news today. ...
... (Content)...
Well, viewers...
That’s all the news today if you have some critics and suggestions, please visit us And for the wise word today is “Do the Best and don’t think to be the best”.
Finally, I am M. IrfanSyahPutra and all of crews of IrfanSyahP Broadcasting TV, we say, see you next time and....
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
IYKWIM Indonesia...

Second Example
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning viewers...
You are still with me, Muh. Fadllillah from MBS TV, Wednesday 21 April 2010. For five minutes more, I will accompany you, to listen to some bright news, some actual news, and some latest news in this sunny morning. The first is about ... (Side/Title). And here is the first news.

... (Content)...
Thus, the news I could present to you, and if you have some suggestions and come critics about this program, please visit us at: ... or you may call us on the number below: 021 2345678.
Finally, I am and all of crews of MBSTV say “Have a wonderful day”, see you next time and bye bye...

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Third Example
Assalamua’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Morning viewers.
Today, Wednesday 21 April 2010
You are still with me, Muh. Lujaini Dani, in program “MBS Breaking News”. Here, I will accompany you to listen to some bright news from foreign countries. And here is the first news;
... (Content)...
Well viewers, we step to the second news, about ... Here is, the second news.

... (Content)...
Those, all news I could present to you, today. If you have some critics and suggestions, please visit us in www.MBS BREAKING At the end, we say, “Thank you very much for your nice attention, see you next day, in the same time, in the same program in our lovely channel “MBS TV”.
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Forth Example
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning viewers,
Today, on Wednesday 21th April 2010, you are with me, Muh. Adib Shofawi on “MBS News Broadcasting”, actual, sharp and believable program, will provide for you, all sorts of news, from all sorts of side, for five minutes later. Well viewers, let’s listen, to the first news.

... (Content)...
Thank you viewers that is the news which I could convey to you today. If you have some critics and suggestions, please visit us in www.MBS News I am Muh. Adib Shofawi and all of crews of MBS News Broadcasting program, say, “Have a nice day, keep your spirit, peace, love and respect. See you, in the next opportunity.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Bravo Indonesia...

Fifth Example
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning viewers.
Welcome to MBS Broadcasting. Today, I am Muh. Galih Himawan,will accompany you all, to listen, to the latest and the hottest news, around our country, Indonesia and abroad. Allright viewers, here is the first news.

... (Content)...
Ok viewers, that is the news today, I am Muh. Galih Himawan and all of MBS crews say, thank so much for your attentions, good luck for you.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. See you, tomorrow, and, bye bye ...


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